I AM IN LOVE, a desperate, awkward, Catholic-School-Girl-with-braces kind of love, and the love of my life is ... New Orleans. I've lived here for 3 years, and now I know, there is no better place on earth for me. Yet, God has called me to become a Dominican Priest, so next August I have to move to Dallas. So this year, in an effort to live it up I will post weekly on something I did that is authentically and awesomely New Orleans.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mid-Summer Mardi Gras

My boat, the USS Isaac Sukz
Last night we had a party in New Orleans, a party to celebrate that Mardi Gras is only 6 months away. Yes, you read that right, we are partying to celebrate the partying that will occur in 6 months. The Krewe of Oak throws this party and parade the last weekend of August every year. While the name Oak probably comes from the street that the parade starts and ends on - Krewe members will say that it stands for "Outrageous and Kinky." And honestly this isn't a family-friendly parade. This year's theme "Motorboatin' on Oak," inspired my boat costume. I christened my boat, The USS Isaac Sukz, because I want this stupid storm to just go away, but more about that later. I met up with a group of friends and we boated on down the street to catch the parade.

The parade rolled at 7:30 on Oak Street and was quite a show. There were a number of the wildly named female dance crews, including the Muff-A-Lotta's and the Bearded Oysters. The walking parade had a lot of pull cart floats and decorated bicycles, and even a few cardboard boats, much like my own. The parade rolled up to Palmer Park on the corner of Carrollton and Claiborne. The beverages, brass, and brazen bawdiness of that party was out of control. Music flowed from every direction and people were boogying down. Eventually a brass band led us back down Carrollton and we continued the dance party down to Oak Street. In front of the Maple Leaf Bar and Jacque Imo's Cafe (if you ever get the chance go into this fine establishment and get the alligator cheesecake) there was a pool filled with a number of my friends and students. I did not get in it for fear that my boat wouldn't actually float. After wildly sprinting through the streets and a couple of falls I reunited with my people and we began the long walk home. Mid-Summer Mardi Gras Bash - YOU WERE AWESOME. And I'm so pumped for Mardi Gras this year it's sort of stupid.

Not Cool Isaac. Not Cool.
And just to let you know, I'm very very anxious about the upcoming storm, and if we have to evacuate I'm coming to you Missouri. And let me just say that I hate all the spaghetti models and constant coverage of the storm, because it's just making me more nervous as opposed to getting me ready.  Our Lady of Prompt Succor, hasten to help us. Pray for us down here, we need it. May God keep us all safe, and make good decisions. God bless all of you!

Yeah You Right, Joe.

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